Thank you for reading and considering the words, ideas, and plans expressed herein. If after reading this introduction letter you would like to explore the possibility of participating and/or somehow supporting this effort, please contact us.
During the months of November and December 2019, I will begin informal interviews with prospective student-participants to see if our working together might be mutually beneficial and agreeable.
During this period, I will also be selecting and gathering my start-up crew, a select team of kindreds ages 21-39 who will help me get this project off the ground (or bring it down to earth as the case may be). If you're interested in becoming one of these "founding members" I would ask you to deeply consider your commitment to this project and how you would help it; that is, what skills, talents, and interests would you bring into this thoroughly grassroots mix of school, business, and studio/production center.
Possessing one or more of the following would be very helpful...
artistic skills in drawing, cartooning, painting, graphic design and comic book making; AV technical and computer skills; aptitude in business, social media and marketing; acting, performing, and stage/video production.
Lastly I would emphasize, if anywhere in this letter you see some way I can help you or your business/group that I'm not directly mentioning, please let me know, as I remain open to possibilities beyond the plans I present herein.
I look forward to hearing from you!