cannabis fitness
the cannabis connection 
Indeed, many things about cannabis are only understood through its consumption. For instance, if I say that personal experience teaches me that cannabis helps me better connect with my self and my world, such are only words on a page to those who've never consumed cannabis and felt its effects. Thus to the inexperienced, the idea of cannabis serving as a sort of universal connector in nature is but a fanciful idea at best, delusional musings of a stoner at worst. 
But for those who consume cannabis, perhaps especially in the quiet of nature, and experience its connecting effects both within and without, this quaint-sounding idea becomes a strongly felt truth, an undeniable feeling that cannabis can indeed help us get in better touch with ourselves and our world. Such is the reality of cannabis epistemology and the two ways we can know the plant.
In truth, subjectively felt as it may be, direct experience with cannabis says the herb can help us connect and reconnect on a number of levels, mind to mind, and heart to can put more feeling in our thinking, more sympathy in my can help us get in better touch with others, be they other people, other species, or the Earth as a whole. What does your experience with cannabis say about this?