The Cannabis Fitness Challenge #4 includes four class sessions spread over the course of four months. The four sessions are as follows...
1. The Philosophy of Cannabis Fitness and Its Ten Basic Tenets; plus, The Complementary Remedy of Dialectical Behavior Therapy: Because Consumer or Not, Mindfulness is a Great Place to Start
2. Intentional Cannabis Consumption & the Personal Vision Quest: Forging Your Own Way in a Wilderness of Uncertainty, Nonconformity, and Endless Possibility: plus, Dialogue and the Art of Thinking Together, Effective Communication as the Key to Social Synergy and Global Citizenship
3. Cannabis, Colorado, and Climate Change: Is the 'green rush' making our lives better or worse?; plus, Envisioning the Cannabis-Fit Community: Initiating the collective vision quest according to Peter Block's book, Community and the Structure of Belonging
4. Practicing Cannabis Fitness to Access the Shaman Within: Making the most of Nature's ultimate medicine by starting at home; plus, The Emerging Holographic Theory of Reality: Finding Self-Empowerment and Social Improvement in the Whole/Part Relationship
As the titles indicate, each session includes a main topic plus a subtopic. Session presentations may last anywhere from 40 to 50 minutes, and are followed by class discussions of mostly open-ended duration depending on participant interest and energy. Introductory rates are currently $10/person/session.