Moving from a thoughtless race to a thoughtful with purpose and meaning...there's a very good chance this is the ultimate medicine we need. Based on my own experience, I posit that cannabis, as with the psychedelic experience in general, can be a great helper in this process. But we need to do our part in this process...and we can start by getting over this false notion that drugs by themselves, just taking pills, will cure our ills. Much as materialistic science and conventional medicine might put the key to our health (mental and otherwise) in biochemistry and molecular balance, in reality we are increasingly realizing it's not that simple.
A variety of factors, molecule to mind, lifestyle to economic balance, communication to community integrity; these and others are big players in health and disease, especially when it comes to our human-contrived systems. A healthy system takes care of its parts as its parts take care of the system. Where there is disparity in this exchange of energy and goods we've got disease in the making, whereby the part may attack the system (akin to autoimmune reaction)...or the part may die-off...or the part may detach and go its own way. Thus it appears we have a choice...