As it is with life in general, in my classroom variety and diversity is key.
How do I see and define variety and diversity?
First I see diversity in terms of my multidisciplinary audience with various interests and pursuits...I see diversity in my students having various intelligence types and learning styles, a variety of inclinations and tastes...
I see diversity in this classroom in terms various personal philosophies and approaches to living...I see diversity in this school in terms of nationality, culture, skin color, history, gender identification, sexual orientation, cannabis use...and so on...
In previous attachments I also discuss classroom diversity in terms of academics and learning, as well as in terms of various roles and titles we might give ourselves.
Thus there's an infinite amount of diversity in this classroom called Manitou Movie School, enough to allow each one to be and become their own person.
Now, with all this diversity, it begs the question, what do we have in common?
This question strikes deeper into the heart of our exploration of the Thirteenth Configuration, which, as you might recall, is this current epoch in history defined by the overwhelming presence of us humans, these persons-in-the-making whose on-going maturation in self-reflection and free will determines their thinking and action.
No doubt, we are a very diverse lot, and that's a good thing. We also have much, or at least a few basic things, in common. What are these? What do you think?