Are people connecting with my work?
If so, where and how?
If not, why not?
Whatever role I might be playing...
Whatever hat I may be wearing...
It boils down to the same thing...
What do you think?
As I writer and teacher I need to know what my audience and students think...
As a philosopher, explorer, and experimenter, I need to know what fellow seekers and colleagues think of my ideas, methods, and plans...
As an inventor and businessman, I need to know and anticipate my clients' needs...
If we are to be successful in what we do, we must be able to communicate with each other...we must be able to connect and reconnect with each other, effectively and honestly. Recognizing this condition of success as a basic fact of life, again and again in my work herein and beyond I will return to the notion of dialogue and the importance of its practice as a means to effective and honest communication and connection.